“Why are you so scared to take your life to the next level?” is a powerful question that often comes up with my clients.
I work with motivated individuals with a proven track record of success who want even more in their lives.
High achievers I’ve worked with include physicians, attorneys, wealth managers, realtors, educators, investment analysts, company partners, executives, and entrepreneurs who, on all accounts, appear to be doing well…because they are.
However, not only do they know that they want more, they know that they have more inside of them to live up to their true potential.
You may even be somebody who identifies with having a pretty good life, but something inside of you knows there’s more that you could be doing to create an even more fulfilling life, career or business. You know you are capable of so much more.
It should come as no surprise that fear is what holds us back from playing a bigger game and taking things to the next level.
Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of uncertainty. Fear of judgment. etc. etc. etc.
And of course the fear of how much energy you will need to turn your dreams into a reality.
And this is a legitimate fear because it WILL take a lot of energy to create the life and career that you truly want. Your dreams should be daunting and they should scare you, because if they don’t, you’re cheating yourself of what you’re truly capable of.
So while it’s no surprise that a fear factor holds us back, what may surprise you is how you’re spending your energy.
Think about it: our emotional, physical, and mental energy reservoirs are finite. Our energy is one of the most precious inner resources that we have.
And you know that…that’s why you spend so much time second guessing yourself and talking yourself out of things that you know will propel you forward…but you don’t want to waste your energy doing something that may not work out.
Is this really going to be worth my time?
What if it doesn’t work?
Here’s the thing though, if you have that inner voice and burning desire telling you that you must do something, continuing to fight that voice and to actively NOT take action requires energy too.
Because our energy reservoirs are limited, stop wasting energy working against what you want and direct your energy toward it instead!
In fact, procrastination, overthinking, and indecision require MORE energy than if you followed through on actions toward your goals.
After a day of consciously putting things off that we intended to do, our energy levels are MORE depleted than if we had taken intentional action toward building our dream.
I have yet to hear anybody say, “Wow, I didn’t do ANYTHING that I set out to do today, and I feel GRRRRR-EAT!”
Or “I feel so refreshed and revitalized after spending the day in self-doubt and talking myself out of what will ultimately make me feel happier and more fulfilled!”
On the contrary, think of how energized you felt the last time you crushed your actions toward your goals. It doesn’t have to be a huge action every day, but how did it feel when you consistently took steps in the direction that you wanted?
I imagine that you felt a lot more excited, positive, and energetic!
The truth is that when you take intentional action, you generate your own energy.
When you block yourself from taking intentional action, you deplete your energy.
I invite you to embrace this new perspective about your energy.
Whatever your goals are, from improving your company’s culture to starting a new career path to launching your own business…ask yourself how you want to use your energy.
It is beyond our control that our energy levels are limited and that we must use energy every day, but whether you choose to deplete your energy through inaction and doubt or to consistently generate your own energy through action and confidence is completely up to you.
So, what is possible for you if you used your energy more effectively?
How would your life be different if you consistently put your energy going toward the life you want instead of depleting energy fighting against it?
Claudine Phillips
This article speaks to me.
I understand and am ready to act in accordance, moving forward, using my past “pain” and incredible experiences for good. Thank you for your work.
Hayden Lee
Thanks for your response, Claudine! I’m happy to hear that the article “speaks” to you and that you’re ready to “answer” the call of what you must do next.