Surprise! What If There’s No ‘Right’ Answer?

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People often get stuck when making a big decision because they’re scared of making the wrong choice.

What if I choose path A, then realize I wanted path B?

Or what if I choose path A, and end up hating it?

Or what if something better comes along like an unanticipated path C?

In subjects like math, the right answers are objective. 2 + 2 is 4, and that’s it. Any other answer would be wrong. There’s a formula there. If Sally has two apples, and Johnny gives her two more apples, voila, she has four apples. We get it. It’s black and white.

However, in the subject of wanting to take your personal and/or professional life to the next level, it’s not black and white. There’s no equation. So, we need to stop thinking of it that way.

Man Looking Mountain

In the path to stepping it up in your life and career, of course you need to make well-informed decisions. But, the key point is that you must be decisive in the face of uncertainty.
Being decisive is one of the top skills that companies look for in potential leaders. If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, decisiveness is extremely important as you’re constantly leading yourself 24/7.

How does one become more decisive?

Having worked with a wide range of clients, I’ve discovered that the answer to this question is the same whether you’re a high school student wanting to step it up in school or an experienced business executive who feels like she’s reached a plateau and wants to break through.


And the wise definition of confidence as described by my 14-year old client will ring true no matter your age or decision that you’re faced with.

“Confidence is how much you trust yourself and how much you believe that no matter what choice you make, you’ll be able to figure it out. If you believe in yourself, it’s knowing that everything will be okay.”

Trust yourself.
Make a decision.
Fully embrace it by letting go of whether it’s right or wrong.
Be fully present and committed to the choice that you’ve made.

Enjoy the journey by having faith in yourself and knowing that somehow, some way, you’ll end up exactly where you are meant to be.

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