A Workshop For “Overly” Ambitious and Aggressive Leaders

Unleash Your Potential, Transform Perceptions

Are you a senior executive or leader who is highly ambitious and driven to succeed? 

Do you often feel misunderstood, even though your intentions are to drive success and inspire excellence? 

Are you tired of being labeled as “difficult” when all you want is to bring out the best in your team and organization?

Are you an Enneagram “Type 3” or “Type 8” who sometimes can get in your own way?

Does your Hogan assessment say that you are considered “Bold” or “Colorful” by others?

If you answered Yes to any of the above, then this workshop is for YOU!

Join us for an exclusive, in-person, all-day workshop in Los Angeles tailored specifically for leaders like you.

Led by masterful coaches Parissa Behnia and Hayden Lee (who happen to be Enneagram types 8 and 3 respectively), they know from personal experience about the challenges that come with being “overly” ambitious, driven, and aggressive. They are both passionate and skilled at helping strong and bold leaders go from being misunderstood and overbearing to empathetic and inspiring excellence from all those around them.

Don’t miss this opportunity to reinvent your leadership style and be the leader your team truly values. Spaces are limited, by our design, so reserve your spot today by booking a 30-minute call with Parissa.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Insight into Your Unique Strengths: Understand and harness what makes you an ambitious and bold leader to make you more effective and impactful.
  • Enhanced Communication Skills: Learn to communicate your vision and goals clearly so that your positive intent is understood in ways that are impactful and motivating for your clients, peers and team. 
  • Improved Team Dynamics: Discover how to foster a collaborative environment where your leadership is valued and your clients, peers and team feel lucky to have you.
  • People Like You: Be in the room with leaders just like you: bold, confident, courageous and visionary who wish for community (but have difficulty asking for it).
  • Real-world Applications: Engage in interactive sessions and experience hot seat coaching designed to transform your leadership approach immediately.

Why Attend?

You don’t need to change who you are. But you do have to be honest about who you are and how you might be contributing to your leadership challenges. 

This workshop is about recognizing the value you already bring and helping others see it too. By understanding how to better utilize your talents and improve your interactions, you’ll shift the narrative from being seen as demanding to being recognized as a driving force behind your team’s success. 

The result? Everyone hits it out of the park EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Date: Tuesday, November 19th, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (lunch and refreshments included)
Location: Cambria LAX, Los Angeles, CA

Pricing: $397 for Registrations before September 30, 2024

$497 for Registrations between October 1 – 31, 2024

$547 for Registrations after November 1, 2024

About Parissa and Hayden

Parissa Behnia coaches C Suite and Senior leaders who are high will-high skill and have a growth mindset. In other words, they’re badasses like you who go 80MPH in a 45MPH zone but don’t always check to see if their team is strapped in or interested in going for the ride. These leaders are high value to a company but their edges may start to diminish their value.

Parissa is the author of “Modern Badass: Tales from the Leadership Front”. She has taught entrepreneurship seminars and is a frequent speaker on strategy, leadership and entrepreneurship. Parissa is a Certified Professional Coach, holds a BA from Northwestern University and MBA from NYU’s Stern School of Business.

Hayden Lee is a Master Certified Executive Life and Leadership Coach, holding the highest credential possible in the professional coaching industry. He is co-founder of Master Mind Institute, a partnership with neuroscientists to merge the fields of brain science and professional coaching in order to more effectively serve coaches and clients.

Hayden coaches high achieving, highly motivated, and highly committed executives, leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who are ready to make the changes needed for exponential growth in their personal and professional lives. He helps powerful leaders find their edge to fly at their highest levels. He has coached leaders from Fortune 500 and Forbes 500 companies.

He is an international Enneagram expert and is on the coaching faculty at Integrative Enneagram Solutions and Leadership Education for Asian Pacific’s (LEAP).